Ras Malai

Rasmalai  is one of my favourite Indian desserts (but then, everything is a favourite with me!). All these years, I’d only been good at devouring them. And then one day early last year, I was left with 2 litres of curdled milk. I made the paneer all right, but then I also had two really big chunks of store-bought paneer lying in my refrigerator already. Damnation! What was I to do with so much paneer? And then hurrah! the hubby said we were going to have a guest for lunch the next day, his friend from college he said But then, why worry at all…I had Amma dearest to the rescue! And so, with very many phone calls to Amma at every step and her next-to-perfect instructions on how to go about it, we had a mamma-sized dish full of cheery looking divine Rasmalais! And devour them we did! The guest loved them and what more could I ask for. I made Rasmalais again last week, only 3…and like I said, just because I felt like it.